Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013


Our hearts have been blessed by you all!

listened to all the different voices praying and we could see the faces of these children, who smile simply because they finally have a moment to join riding on the big bikes and a meal to eat. : )) Yummy

 we cannot explain how amazing it was to listen to a large group of people praying for us… it’s moments like that which move us to tears. Now we know that Loving Orphans is much bigger than we had been letting eyes of us be open to. 

we believes that we are just God's tools doing Charity work. What an amazing opportunity to partner with the one who supported it all, and what a blessing it was to spend time with the people who help support and share our dream of loving these orphans.

Hand over donation

We cannot say thank you enough to all who came out to support, to those who brought motorcycle, to those who give donation, to those who pray daily, and to those who have joined our family with a mission to give these kids love, hopes and a future. We are family and could not do this without our family members! 

Super Riders family, continue to dream big, sing loud, and step out in courage…let’s see what kind of extraordinary things we can accomplish this year.


we want to also take a look back to express our gratitude to all of the countless people who have partnered with Super Riders and our vision to help orphaned, abandoned and poor children. 

Often times a single act of courage is the tipping point for something extraordinary


2 komentar:

  1. الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينِ

    Bravo Super Riders....


  2. Good job for Super Riders...buat mimin ditunggu postingan selanjutnya...jgn lama2 heheheheeheh...kan mau liat update SR dan clubnya terus...God Bless :)


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